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Showing posts from September, 2022

Interview questions - APEX

I I have been consulting on some interviews lately and I want to share some questions I ask APEX developers. First of all I think SQL and PL/SQL is a crutial stepping stone to the APEX world, so you can explore some SQL and PL/SQL questions in the older article and here are some updates to the basic concepts questions: Can FK contains NULL values? Explain the autonomous transaction. What is the advantage of compound trigger? What is view with the CHECK OPTION? How can you rollback a transaction after the DDL statement? Can you do DML operations on a view? How to solve the mutating table error? What is a deadlock? Explain difference between NLV, NVL2, NULLIF and COALESCE. How to handle duplicate rows exception during INSERT? How can you refactor query from Oracle JOIN sytax to ANSI syntax? What is a whitelisting in PL/SQL? And now to the APEX questions, they are about basic concepts, performance, security and clean code: What you have...

Borderless & dynamic background colors in Interactive Grid

D Did you ever wanted to show cells in grid with a background color without default borders? Borderless. And to map values to the colors in a way that they can be changed by the user? Note: by dynamic I ment easily adjustable by end users. Backend First we need to create the LOV table with tresholds and colors. Typically I create more of these tables per project/app and I name them with the real value they represents (like LOV_COLOR_BUDGET_RANGE). Lets create the table and some test data: CREATE TABLE lov_treshold_colors ( status_id VARCHAR2(64), treshold_value NUMBER, color_code VARCHAR2(8), -- CONSTRAINT pk_lov_treshold_colors PRIMARY KEY (status_id) ); -- INSERT INTO lov_treshold_colors SELECT 'A', 20, '#00cc00' FROM DUAL UNION ALL SELECT 'B', 40, '#00bb00' FROM DUAL UNION ALL SELECT 'C', 60, '#00aa00' FROM DUAL UNION ALL SELECT 'D', 80, '#009900' FROM D...

Database versioning for feature branches

I In past several weeks I have been busy with improving the OPY tool . It started as a simple Oracle Python wrapper, but I have added more and more functionality to it and now it has almost 3000 lines, nifty YAML config file (per project now) and do way more than just execute queries against Oracle database. You can read about: basic versioning of database objects and APEX applications in Git version data as CSV files and convert them to MERGE statements into patch files And now I have added greater support for feature branches (and improved many other things). What is this about? Feature branches style is typical on larger projects with larger teams. You are assigned a card (or you pick one from a queue, depending on how agile you are), you create a branch just for this card, you work on a card (change objects in database, change APEX pages and components), you test it and commit the result to this branch. Then depending on your process push/merge it to source...