I used to like Interactive Reports, but not anymore. They look different then Interactive Grids and if you have reports and grids on same page it doesn't look good. They sometimes behave differently and I dont like that. My main issue is that switching from report to grid is painful and time consuming. Everytime I do that I loose a lot of setup, pretty much everything you set on column level. For some time I am creating every report as Interactive Grid (mostly with edit off). I save plenty of time when users decide they would like to edit that report.
Grids also offers some features missing on Reports like Column groups and Master-Detail feature.
But one thing I always missed was the ability to set grid filters from PL/SQL. Grids did't have that feature, but since APEX 20.1 they have thru APEX_IG package.
Previously I had to setup dynamic action and filter grid after it was visible to user. This grid refresh was unwanted and noticed by users.
var region_id = 'LOGS'; var column_name = 'TODAY'; var filter_value = $v2('P901_TODAY'); var operator_ = 'EQ'; // apex.region(region_id).widget().interactiveGrid('addFilter', { type : 'column', columnType : 'column', columnName : column_name, operator : operator_, value : match_value, isCaseSensitive : false });
Now I can setup process before page loads and user has seamless experience.
DECLARE in_static_id CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) := 'LOGS'; in_column_name CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) := 'TODAY'; in_filter_value CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) := TO_CHAR(SYSDATE, 'YYYY-MM-DD'); in_operator CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) := 'EQ'; -- region_id apex_application_page_regions.region_id%TYPE; BEGIN -- convert static_id to region_id SELECT region_id INTO region_id FROM apex_application_page_regions WHERE application_id = sess.get_app_id() AND page_id = sess.get_page_id() AND static_id = in_static_id; -- APEX_IG.RESET_REPORT ( p_page_id => sess.get_page_id(), p_region_id => region_id, p_report_id => NULL ); -- APEX_IG.ADD_FILTER ( p_page_id => sess.get_page_id(), p_region_id => region_id, p_column_name => in_column_name, p_filter_value => in_filter_value, p_operator_abbr => in_operator, p_is_case_sensitive => FALSE, p_report_id => NULL ); EXCEPTION WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN NULL; END; /
Be aware that stacking multiple filters might not work as expected.