One day you will need to restrict access only for developers or some priviledged users. This is a followup for previous article Prepare users for APEX maintenance.
You can manually change application availability:
Interesting part is the programatic approach via APEX_UTIL.SET_APPLICATION_STATUS procedure:
BEGIN -- restrict access to APEX developers APEX_UTIL.SET_APPLICATION_STATUS ( p_application_id => 700, p_application_status => 'DEVELOPERS_ONLY' ); COMMIT; END; /
BEGIN -- restrict access to priviledged users APEX_UTIL.SET_APPLICATION_STATUS ( p_application_id => 700, p_application_status => 'RESTRICTED_ACCESS', p_restricted_user_list => 'USER_LOGIN,USER_LOGIN2' -- change this ); COMMIT; END; /
You should explore all options and examples in documenation.
- AVAILABLE - Application is available with no restrictions.
- AVAILABLE_W_EDIT_LINK - Application is available with no restrictions. Developer Toolbar shown to developers
- DEVELOPERS_ONLY - Application only available to developers.
- RESTRICTED_ACCESS - Application only available to users in p_restricted_user_list.
- UNAVAILABLE - Application unavailable. Message shown in p_unavailable_value.
- UNAVAILABLE_PLSQL - Application unavailable. Message shown from PL/SQL block in p_unavailable_value.
- UNAVAILABLE_URL - Application unavailable. Redirected to URL provided in p_unavailable_value.
And if you want to prevent developers from changing the application, you can run this. Don't try it at work. Do you know why?
BEGIN APEX_UTIL.SET_APP_BUILD_STATUS ( p_application_id => 700, p_build_status => 'RUN_ONLY' ); COMMIT; END; /
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