I faced severe performance degradation in one of my APEX applications. After some time I identified issue with APEX_UTIL.GET_SESSION_ITEM call.
Let's create test table with 1M rows:
--DROP TABLE test_table; CREATE TABLE test_table ( id NUMBER, group_id NUMBER ); -- INSERT INTO /*+ append */ test_table (id, group_id) SELECT ROWNUM, MOD(ROWNUM, 5) FROM DUAL CONNECT BY LEVEL <= 1000000; -- COMMIT;
Check table content:
SELECT group_id, COUNT(*) AS rows_ FROM test_table GROUP BY group_id ORDER BY 1;
Now we can simulate query with APEX_UTIL.GET_SESSION_ITEM function. For this test item existance doesn't matter. Let's pretend, we want to select rows for specific group_id based on APEX item value.
SELECT COUNT(*) AS rows_ -- 152 sec FROM test_table t WHERE t.group_id = NVL(APEX_UTIL.GET_SESSION_STATE('APEX_ITEM'), 0);
Any ideas why this is that slow?
It is because that function is called for every single row in that table. Here is a proof.
BEGIN apex_test.get_item_calls := 0; -- FOR c IN ( SELECT COUNT(*) AS rows_ -- 152 sec FROM test_table t WHERE t.group_id = NVL(apex_test.get_item('APEX_ITEM'), 0) ) LOOP DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(c.rows_); END LOOP; -- DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(apex_test.get_item_calls); END; /
Oh yes, you will need APEX_TEST wrapper:
CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE apex_test AS get_item_calls NUMBER; FUNCTION get_item ( in_name VARCHAR2 ) RETURN VARCHAR2; END; /
CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE BODY apex_test AS FUNCTION get_item ( in_name VARCHAR2 ) RETURN VARCHAR2 AS BEGIN get_item_calls := get_item_calls + 1; -- track calls -- RETURN APEX_UTIL.GET_SESSION_STATE(in_name); END; END; /
Now when we know what is wrong, we can fix it. WITH and hints to the rescue.
BEGIN apex_test.get_item_calls := 0; -- FOR c IN ( WITH x AS ( SELECT /*+ materialize */ --SELECT /*+ result_cache */ apex_test.get_item('APEX_ITEM') AS APEX_ITEM FROM DUAL ) SELECT COUNT(*) AS rows_ -- 152 sec FROM test_table t CROSS JOIN x WHERE t.group_id = NVL(x.APEX_ITEM, 0) ) LOOP DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(c.rows_); END LOOP; -- DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(apex_test.get_item_calls); END; /
You can use either (undocumented) materialize hint, which will call the function just once for every run. Or you can use result_cache hint, which will call that function twice for the first run and then most likely zero times for subsequent calls.
Learn more about hints.
DROP TABLE test_table PURGE; DROP PACKAGE apex_test;
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